Building A Strong Foundation For Future Generations

Preconception health is about optimising your health before a baby is conceived.

It means making sure your body and mind are in the best shape possible.

Teach your family to have an healthy relationship with food.

Teach your family to have an healthy relationship with food.



Welcome to our evidence-based online courses, designed to prevent mental and physical health issues that can be prevented with lifestyle.

About Us

Our mission is to empower future parents to create healthy, loving environments that will nurture their health, relationship and their children’s development.

Our Commitment to Evidence-Based Support and Global Impact

We’re committed to delivering high-quality, evidence-based courses.

Every programme we offer is designed to provide practical, proven tools that can help couples build healthy and strong families.

We only give evidence-based advice, from top experts. When you take one of our courses, you’re getting information and strategies that have been studied and tested.

Giving Back: 10% of Profits for Families Around the world

We partner with trusted organisations to bring free preconception health courses to those who need it the most.



Health & wellness guides

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Body & fitness guides

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Optimal nutrition guides

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Preventing obesity guides

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Avoiding plastics and toxins in food and the environment

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Drinking and Smoking

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Course on Romantic and Family Relationships

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Preventing Child Abuse

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Preventing Obesity.

Did you know that a father’s weight at the time of conception can affect the child’s predisposition to obesity?

For both future mothers and fathers, learn all you need to know about reducing your child’s likelihood of developing obesity. From the latest research on epigenetics, to those attitudes and rules around food that we pass generation after generation, without realising

Preventing Obesity

Did you know that a father’s weight at the time of conception can affect the child’s predisposition to obesity?

For both future mothers and fathers, learn all you need to know about reducing your child’s likelihood of developing obesity. From the latest research on epigenetics, to those attitudes and rules around food that we pass generation after generation, without realising.


Avoiding plastics and toxins in food and the environment

What everybody living in this world needs to know about toxic chemicals such as BPA, phthalates, acrylamide in our food and water and easy ways to avoid them :)


Drinking & Smoking

Tips from the experts on how to reduce or quit these habits easily.


Optimal Nutrition

Learn all the secrets about the healthy and enjoyable Mediterranean Diet and Lifestyle.


Course on Romantic and Family Relationships

Less Stress, More Joy! By investing in a science-backed course, you’re learning proven ways to communicate and keep your relationship thriving for years to come. 


Preventing Child Abuse

Sometimes, the way we were raised influences how we parent without us even noticing. 

Practical and evidence-based tips so you can raise strong, emotionally healthy kids.